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Tuesday 19 July 2011

The Top 5 Most Ridiculous Moments From Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 6, Episode 5: “Thicker Than Water”

We know, choosing just five ridiculous moments from any Kardashians episode is quite the challenge. But we’ve managed to cherry-pick the most OMG-worthy scenes from Season 6, Episode 5, “Thicker Than Water.”

5. Kris and Bruce create a secret handshake
We’ve always heard one way to keep a relationship fresh is to try new things together. In this episode of Keeping Up, Kris and Bruce put their creative juices to the test when they decide to make up a secret signal to indicate when one of them has something important to say. As silly as we think this is (come on, does Kris ever say anything important?), it seems to work out for them. It’s the little things that keep a romance alive, you know?

4. Bruce uses ear candles
One of the central themes of this episode was Bruce’s quickly degenerating hearing. So, in an attempt to help clear some things up (and by things we mean Bruce’s ear-wax-infested canals), Khloe buys some ear candles for her stepdad. The former Olympic athlete is reluctant at first, but eventually the ladies of the house convince him to wax one ear. He looks mildly uncomfortable, but manages to pull through – leaving a lot of disgusting, bright yellow ear wax that sort of resembles the yolk of a hard-boiled egg behind. Sick! Which leads us to...

3. Kris chases Khloe with Bruce’s ear wax plate
Clearly, Kris thinks she’s being cute when she grabs Bruce’s ear wax plate and starts to poke at it. Btut she takes it one step too far when she picks up said plate and begins to chase her daughters with it, shrieking “Ear wax! Ear wax!” It’s kind of like when our moms would pop zits on our dad’s backs: totally fine for them, extremely gag-inducing for any poor passerbys (like us).

2. Rob has appendicitis!
Poor Rob. The whole episode, Kourtney was poking fun at him for being hungover and basically accusing him of being some crazy party animal who induced a gut-wrenching (literally) pain on himself. But when the hurt became too much to handle, Rob was rushed to the hospital. Turns out this was no hangover, it was the real deal: appendicitis. Bring on the emergency surgery! After a few rough hours in the hospital bed overnight (which we assume included listening to Kris bellow on about how sad she is that her baby’s in the sick bay before leaving him alone to fend for himself for the duration of the night), Rob was rested up and ready to go home. And have a drink.

1. Bruce doesn’t have hearing problems?
We were actually quite shocked by this conclusion. We knew Bruce was tuning Kris out on some level (Who wouldn’t? Actually, who doesn’t?), but we were also confident he actually had some inner ear issues. But Bruce’s tests came back fine, and his doctor assured him he just has “selective hearing,” a problem he said he has with his own wife. Um, doctor, that does not make it okay, and we really don’t think you should convince your patients it is, either. Maybe it’s time to get your hearing and your diploma re-checked?

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