Take a Tour of Kylie Jenner's Closet!
Kyle has clearly inherited her sisters' love for fashion! Take a peek into Kylie's closet and her drool-worthy shoe collection.
Take a Tour of Kendall Jenner's Closet!
Burberry boots! Balanciaga bags! YSL heels! Kendall Jenner isn't your average teenager. Take a tour of Kendall's closet and drool over her designer goodies.
Cute Pic of the Day! Kendall and Kylie Jenner Play Dress-Up
Photo Credit: Kim Kardashian's Blog
Kendall and Kylie Jenner pose with a friend in adorable Asian-inspired outfits.
We love when the Kardashians get nostalgic and post their childhood pics. This week, Kim Kardashian took to her blog when she found this super adorable pic of her half-sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner playing dress-up! These two girls have grown up quite a bit since then! We’re loving their cute Asian-inspired red dresses and black boots. Kendall even has a chopstick to accessorize her hair-bun! Now, who’s that little boy in a blue silk onesie, you ask? Kim writes: “They are with my best friend Allison’s little brother Cameron. So adorable!!!” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. We love when Kim posts old-school pics from the Kardashian/Jenner childhoods!
Source: Kim Kardashian’s Blog
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