Gleeks Rally to Save Chord Overstreet and You Can Help!
Photo Credit: Splash News
After the recent announcement thatChord Overstreet(Sam) won’t be brought on as a season regular for Glee’s Season 3, Gleeks are up in arms! Fans have rallied in his support and created a “Don’t Cut the Chord” campaign in hopes of keeping the laid-back blondie around.
Supporters were encouraged to purchase Chord’s performance of “Billionaire” on iTunes to show their support — and the response was overwhelming! The song jumped from 64th on the Glee iTunes chart to the number 5 spot over the holiday weekend. There’s also a Twitter petition circulating that has grabbed more than 10,000 names since Friday, July 1.
“I wanted to do this because I think Sam is an incredibly important and relatable character, primarily because of the storyline surrounding his family's poverty,” Kate Barnett, the originator of the “Billionaire” campaign, told MassLive. “I want the writers and showrunners to see that people care about the issues he represents and what Chord brings to the cast dynamic.”
As of yet, no Glee stars have come out to support Chord, but at least onecelebrity has. “Just found out Chord Overstreet is leaving Glee. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT???” tweeted actress Lea Solange. “I really LIKE him!!!”
If you really like Chord, click here to sign the petition and show your support!
Supporters were encouraged to purchase Chord’s performance of “Billionaire” on iTunes to show their support — and the response was overwhelming! The song jumped from 64th on the Glee iTunes chart to the number 5 spot over the holiday weekend. There’s also a Twitter petition circulating that has grabbed more than 10,000 names since Friday, July 1.
“I wanted to do this because I think Sam is an incredibly important and relatable character, primarily because of the storyline surrounding his family's poverty,” Kate Barnett, the originator of the “Billionaire” campaign, told MassLive. “I want the writers and showrunners to see that people care about the issues he represents and what Chord brings to the cast dynamic.”
As of yet, no Glee stars have come out to support Chord, but at least onecelebrity has. “Just found out Chord Overstreet is leaving Glee. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT???” tweeted actress Lea Solange. “I really LIKE him!!!”
If you really like Chord, click here to sign the petition and show your support!
You Tell Us: Should Adrian Get Pregnant Again?
Photo Credit: ABC Family
It looks like Adrian's gotten over the grieving process and is now back in action. What kind of trouble is she going to cause now?
Our jaws dropped to the floor when Adrian got on her cell and asked her doctor if it was safe for her to get pregnant again. Um, what the whaaa?!
We know this girl wants to keep her sausage prince around, but this is extreme. It doesn’t seem like a good idea for Adrian to have a baby just to trap Ben into staying married to her, not to mention she’s still a total wreck over the loss of Mercy!
What say you, Secret Lifers? Should Adrian preggo her eggo x 2?
What say you, Secret Lifers? Should Adrian preggo her eggo x 2?
Sad! Chord Overstreet Will NOT Return to Glee in Season 3
Photo Credit: Doug Meszler/Splash News
This is gonna be a long weekend for Chord Overstreet – and not just because of the holiday! TVLinereports that Glee has upped Darren Criss(Blaine) and Harry Shum Jr. (Mike) to series regular status for season three, but that promotion came at the expense of Chord’s characterSam Evans.
The Season 2 newcomer did not have his contract renewed for the third season, this despite touring with the Gleecast all summer. Not to mention his character just became an item with Mercedes(Amber Riley) in thefinale ep!
Chord seemingly took the news in stride, tweeting: “It’s been a good year. Too bad it’s over. Time for summer and starting fresh.” Even though there’s a possibility of a guest-star stint for the country boy in the future, we’re not so sure we can move on that easily. We also can't help but wonder if this is the reason he's moving forward with a music career now.
What do you think, Gleeks? Are you sad to see Chord/Sam go?
Source: TVLine
The Season 2 newcomer did not have his contract renewed for the third season, this despite touring with the Gleecast all summer. Not to mention his character just became an item with Mercedes(Amber Riley) in thefinale ep!
Chord seemingly took the news in stride, tweeting: “It’s been a good year. Too bad it’s over. Time for summer and starting fresh.” Even though there’s a possibility of a guest-star stint for the country boy in the future, we’re not so sure we can move on that easily. We also can't help but wonder if this is the reason he's moving forward with a music career now.
What do you think, Gleeks? Are you sad to see Chord/Sam go?
Source: TVLine
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