Most of them were rather yawn-inducing or seemed written by a Tweet Master. Celebs seem to have taken a break from Tweeting this week—maybe it was all the 4:20 hoopla.
But Hollyscoop dug deep to find this week's most interesting celebrity tweets!
@conanobrien: “Glee” is making a special episode dedicated entirely to @LadyGaga. But in a way, isn’t every episode of “Glee” dedicated to Lady Gaga?"
- Really? Is everyone on Glee falling on their asses this week?
@mrskutcher: "Hydration mask anyone? http://dailybooth.com/u/8yzkp"
- If that's what's keeping you wrinkle free, yes please.
@sn00KI: "As everyones planning their night at the club, I'm wondering when Golds closes lol.#motivated"
- Hate to break it to you Snooks, but Gold's doesn’t serve alcohol.
@drdrew: "Just when I thought I couldn't be impressed by new accessories a friend gave me a Jambox. Pretty impressive."
- And what does that say about your relationship with your mother?
@ddlovato: "Anyway.. Feeling pretty adult-like :) this is cool..”
- Finally got your period, huh?
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