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Sunday, 10 April 2011

‘Vampire Diaries’ Recap: Suicides & Body-Swapping? Witches Be Crazy!

During the hiatus, I forgot what a weekly heart attack ‘The Vampire Diaries’ can be – and the April 7 episode was more than happy to remind me.

That Isobel (Mia Kirshner) sure knows how make an entrance — and she’s even better at making an exit, but we’ll get to that later. After turning Jenna’s (Sara Canning) world upside down, leaving her emotionally damaged to the point of no repair, she set her sights on Katherine (Nina Dobrev.) Though I didn’t see it coming at first, Isobel tricked Katherine into stealing the Moonstone from the brothers Salvatore under thevery false promise of keeping her safe from Klaus.This week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries, ”Know Thy Enemy,” was all about the art of double-crossing, which most Mystic Falls residents have mastered at this point. Isobel double-crossed John and Katherine to save Elena; Matt double-crossed Caroline by outing her to Sheriff Forbes; and my loyalty to Honda was double-crossed by all those damn Ford Focus ads.
Turns out, she did just the opposite. Isobel lured clueless Katherine (and the Moonstone) right into the waiting hands of Klaus’ witch — and eventually to Klaus, himself. Oh, but did I forget to mention that Klaus’ spirit has taken over the body of everyone’s favorite history teaching vampire slayer, Alaric (Matt Davis?) We’ll have to wait a few more weeks to see Joseph Morgan in the flesh.
[SIDENOTE: Shame on you, Salvatore brothers. Maybe if you spent less time smoldering shirtless-ly in front of the mirror -- lookin' at you, Damon -- and more time actually hiding the Moonstone, Katherine wouldn't have found it so easily.]
Meanwhile at the cemetery, Isobel broke down and apologized to Elena for being “a disappointment” as a mother — right before allowing herself to burn to death in the sun. I really didn’t see that little suicide coming in the least, and I’m kind of bummed. Mia Kirshner was really starting to grow on me as Isobel.
Thanks to an uncharacteristically helpful Damon (Ian Somerhalder), Bonnie (Katerina Graham) finally located the exact spot where the 100+ witches were burned, and she absorbed the powers she’ll need to kill Klaus. Unsurprisingly, Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) isn’t too thrilled that his girlfriend essentially plans to sacrifice herself, even if it is to save his sister… I mean cousin. Damn, I always forget that.
But “Beremy” isn’t the only disturbingly adorable couple on the show. Matt (Zach Roerig) and Caroline (Candice Accola) — would that be “Catt” or “Mattoline?” — continued their timeless love story this week. Seriously, these two are like a modern day Beauty and the Beast, but in this case, it is she who is the beast.
Their relationship hit a slight bump when the audience learned that Matt has been taking Vervain to ward off Caroline’s compelling. He’s been in cahoots with Sheriff Forbes, opening his big emotional mouth and telling her everything, which means she has to die. … Right?

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