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Sunday, 10 April 2011

Paul Wesley Reveals Who Convinced Him to Join Twitter

Paul Wesley Listens up at EyeCon 2011
Photo Credit: Naira_Robsten’s Twitter
Oh, hello there, gorgeous. We love how Paul gives his full attention to the question.
March 14, 2011 marked an important occasion for technology and the world. One month ago was the day Paul Wesley (Stefan) finally succumbed to the allure of Twitter. (And the day that we, his loyal fans, rejoiced!)

But obviously, nobody goes from technophobe to techno-geek without a little nudge (also known as peer pressure), and given that almost all of Paul’s co-stars are already aboard the Twitter-ship, we’re pretty positive somebody coerced him into it. In an attempt to answer the big question “Who convinced Paul Wesley to join Twitter?” TV Squad chatted with (read: interrogated) nine members of The Vampire Diaries cast. But it was worth it, for we finally have an answer!

Almost everybody agreed that they’d had some influence on Paul’s decision (except for Ian Somerhalder, who said it must have been the Dalai Lama’s doing, and Kat Graham, who credited it to aliens invading his brain), but the big prize went to Matt Davis (Alaric), who tweets under the pseudonym Ernesto Riley. Matt’s alter-ego is super persuasive, apparently.

The cast also divulged who they follow on Twitter (you’d be surprised) and who their next conquest is. (Big ole’ hint: He’s the last main character who isn’t on Twitter.)  We can’t wait for the day we see @StevenRMcQueen RT’ing @NinaDobrev. #Itwillhappen.

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