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Friday, 22 April 2011

Kaylee DeFer: Getting to Know the NEW 'Gossip Girl!'

There's a new Gossip Girl in town and here at Hollywire we are obnoxiously anxious to learn everything we can about her! Kaylee DeFer plays the new upper east-sider, Charlie Rhodes -- cousin to Serena Van Der Woodsen. Lucky for us the blonde beauty took time to chat with Hollywire about how her experience being the new girl in a big city has been thus far!
Kaylee dished details on soon-to-come developments with her character, Serena's style tips and her real life obsession with paranormal shows!? Check out the interview below and let us know what your predictions are for Kaylee's character, Charlie -- on this season of Gossip Girl!
Gossip Girl - Kayle DeFer - Hollywire
Kaylee revealed that her character Charlie Rhodes has lots of exciting stuff going on and the audience will really see her grow into her own. "Charlie is a special one who I think girls are really going to be able to relate to. She didn't have to scratch her way into the group and was lucky that Serena really took her under her wing.  It's exciting because you will definitely be seeing Charlie develop and grow into her own. In the last episode that aired -- there were many hints as to what the audience can expect to happen with her next!"
A possible love interest for Serena's cousin is of course one of the main question we are all wondering.  Almost revealing more than she should, Kaylee confirmed she will have a love interest, "There's always room for romance, and I think you can definitely expect something. All I can say is the person Charlie ends up going for isn't what I was expecting."
Interesting, Right!? Any guesses of who it could be!? Dan???
And what's life really like on the Gossip Girl set? Specifically, from the point of view of the new girl!? Kaylee said it was the best time and she misses New York already -- not to mention she felt very welcomed right away. "Being in New York was a dream -- I honestly didn't care it was the coldest winter. I had the time of my life and felt extremely welcomed by the cast."
With Charlie and Serena being so close, we wanted to know what Serena's take is on all this Dan drama!? Kaylee said she couldn't imagine being in a situation that Serena is in with her ex boyfriend. "I think the biggest challenge that Serena has to deal with is accepting the fact that Dan is now her brother.  Watching your family merge with your ex-boyfriend, I couldn't even imagine being put in that situation. very weird knowing that at one time you were in love with your now brother!"
Kaylee DewFer of Gossip Girl collage - Hollywire
An obvious question, we just had to know was if Kaylee picked up any fashion tips from Miss. Fashion Forward Blake Lively!? Kaylee responded, "I have learned a lot from watching her. That girl is always on point and I never saw her in sweat pants. She's always very well put together. I can definitely say we have a different sense of style, but I absolutely admire her fashion sense."
Kaylee even shared with us 3 fun facts about herself that not many people would know, but would definitely be surprised to know.  Her number one thing is that she is obsessed with paranormal activity! Ha! "I am obsessed with any paranormal shows, movies -- anything! I am addicted and want more than anything to have a paranormal experience so I can be a true believer."
Umm Hilarious!
She also told us that she is not a huge fan of chocolate, but goes crazy for any candy that is gummy. "Gummy bears, gummy worms, licorice, swedish fish. I love!" In addition she spilled the wedding bells news with us that she recently go engaged! No plans set for a wedding, but it is something that she is clearly very excited about!
So, there you have it -- the newest Gossip Girl who we already love and may even be semi-obsessed with! What do you think about Charlie Rhodes, or even better Kaylee DeFer!?
Gossip Girl airs on The CW next Monday April, 25th! Will you be tuning in for all the upper east-side drama!?

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