Who would ever pick a fight with a sweet, old woman like Betty White!? Well, apparently Linsday Lohan would!
In a recent interview, Betty White critiqued how certain actors today take advantage of their career and are ungrateful for their many opportunities. White specifically mentioned Lohan and Charlie Sheen as being guilty of this, and Lindsay was not too thrilled with the comments!'

"I cannot stand people who get wonderful starts in show business, and who abuse it," White said. "Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, for example, although there are plenty of others, too. They are the most blessed people in the world and they don't appreciate it. They party too much, they don't learn their lines, are unprofessional and grumble about everything. I think they are terribly ungrateful."
While Betty used Lindsay as one example of actors/actresses who fit this category, she did seem to mean it as a pretty general statement comparing people in show business today, as well as compared to when she first stared. However, it seems like Ms. Lohan took it a bit more personally!
"Wow. I've always been a fan of hers," Lindsay said in a reply to the statement. "It's just a bit strange when people feel they must speak publicly about others. Especially a grown woman."

Uh-oh! Hopefully this little 'feud' doesn't escalate to anything more than these statements! Hoewver, since Betty White has been in the industry for such a long time, it might actually be smart for Lindsay to take some advice from someone who has been successful for so long.
Either way, Lindsay has a lot more to worry about right now then a feud with Betty White. Besides her upcoming trialfor allegedly stealing a necklace, Lohan is also facing rumors that she started drinking again. Oh no!
Do you think the Lindsay Lohan/Betty White feud will last!?
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