We love our dose of sexy with a side of activism. What can we say? It’s super hot that Ian Somerhalder is more than just a pretty face. If you follow his Twitter, you’ll notice he actively promotes several causes, from Gulf spill clean-up to stopping the slaughter of sled dogs. And yes, Ian tweets out some sad/disturbing information at times, but we know it’s because he’s hoping to motivate his fans to enact change. In his honor, here are 10 causes Ian wants to you care about, not just on Earth Day, but every day.
10. Pass on gas
There are only a finite amount of fossil fuels, and they’re not so nice to our environment anyway. Ian wants you to stop being a slave to your car:
@iansomerhalder I appreciate fossil fuels for what they have given us,its just time to find alternatives.Want to see how much impact we have? Lets stop driving for a minute and see.Gas pricing sucks and we are ALL at their mercy!
How can you help? Take public transit, hop on your bike, or walk! Can’t do without your wheels? Here are some tips on how to use less gas.
10. Pass on gas
There are only a finite amount of fossil fuels, and they’re not so nice to our environment anyway. Ian wants you to stop being a slave to your car:
@iansomerhalder I appreciate fossil fuels for what they have given us,its just time to find alternatives.Want to see how much impact we have? Lets stop driving for a minute and see.Gas pricing sucks and we are ALL at their mercy!
How can you help? Take public transit, hop on your bike, or walk! Can’t do without your wheels? Here are some tips on how to use less gas.
9. The Gulf isn’t oil-free
Louisianan Ian took a serious interest in the 2010 BP oil spill. A year after the April 20, 2010, explosion of an oil tanker, the gushing has stopped and the spotlight has shifted. Writing foronearth.org, Ian worked to bring attention back to the still-suffering region:
“A year after the worst oil spill in U.S. history, dozens of dead baby dolphins are washing ashore in the Gulf of Mexico; oyster populations are devastated, crippling a multi-billion dollar industry and the tens of thousands of jobs that go with it; and Gulf residents continue to complain of lingering health problems that they believe were caused by the BP oil spill. Despite what you may read in the mainstream media, the oil has not gone away.”
How can you help? Get busy writing to your Congressperson here and tell him or her to enact the recommendations that will help prevent another spill.
8. Bob Barker was right: spay and neuter your pets
Back in early April, Ian riled some fans and activists by pointing out that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal’s (PETA) animal shelter euthanizes many of the homeless animals it takes in. PETA responded with an article, which Ian tweeted out (Warning: It contains graphic images), saying that many of the animals were once pets who the owners could no longer handle and that people who bought from breeders rather than shelters and didn’t spay or neuter them were contributing to their kill rates. Ian backed off his claims, but promoted controlling the pet population: “Let's stop fighting each other and develop the sterilization drugs to end this mess.”
How can you help? Make sure you get your pet fixed, and if you’re going to adopt a dog or cat, do so from an animal shelter. The Humane Society has more info.
Louisianan Ian took a serious interest in the 2010 BP oil spill. A year after the April 20, 2010, explosion of an oil tanker, the gushing has stopped and the spotlight has shifted. Writing foronearth.org, Ian worked to bring attention back to the still-suffering region:
“A year after the worst oil spill in U.S. history, dozens of dead baby dolphins are washing ashore in the Gulf of Mexico; oyster populations are devastated, crippling a multi-billion dollar industry and the tens of thousands of jobs that go with it; and Gulf residents continue to complain of lingering health problems that they believe were caused by the BP oil spill. Despite what you may read in the mainstream media, the oil has not gone away.”
How can you help? Get busy writing to your Congressperson here and tell him or her to enact the recommendations that will help prevent another spill.
8. Bob Barker was right: spay and neuter your pets
Back in early April, Ian riled some fans and activists by pointing out that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal’s (PETA) animal shelter euthanizes many of the homeless animals it takes in. PETA responded with an article, which Ian tweeted out (Warning: It contains graphic images), saying that many of the animals were once pets who the owners could no longer handle and that people who bought from breeders rather than shelters and didn’t spay or neuter them were contributing to their kill rates. Ian backed off his claims, but promoted controlling the pet population: “Let's stop fighting each other and develop the sterilization drugs to end this mess.”
How can you help? Make sure you get your pet fixed, and if you’re going to adopt a dog or cat, do so from an animal shelter. The Humane Society has more info.
Photo Credit: an Somerhalder’s Twitter
Not only does Ian Somerhalder (Damon) have three cats of his own, he’s also partnering with the St. Tammany Humane Society in Covington, Louisiana. In May 2010, Ian tweeted this adorable pic of him and a St. Tammany pup.
7. Dolphins are dying
A holding of Denmark, the Faroe Islands, participates in dolphin and whale hunts every year. While the people of the islands say the tradition is noncommercial, culturally significant, and an important source of food, Ian tweeted in response to a very violent video: “If you live in Denmark, or anywhere for that matter that slaughters these animals, the aren't that many of them left. PLEASE STOP!” Ian retweeted a fan’s response: “@iansomerhalder Denmark has nothing to do with it. It's the Faroe Island it's their government's rules. We are against it in Denmark!”
How can you help? Check out the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
6. Freedom for elephants
Upon learning about Anne, a British circus elephant that was being abused, Ian wasn’t shy about sharing his frustration. But a few days later, the animal lover was pleased to report that Anne was being moved to a sanctuary: “Anne-beautiful old elephant that has been being abused is free!http://tiny.cc/qs3beNICE!Going to live out her remaining days a free lady.”
How can you help? Anne is safe, but the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has some tips if you want to stop circus animal abuse.
A holding of Denmark, the Faroe Islands, participates in dolphin and whale hunts every year. While the people of the islands say the tradition is noncommercial, culturally significant, and an important source of food, Ian tweeted in response to a very violent video: “If you live in Denmark, or anywhere for that matter that slaughters these animals, the aren't that many of them left. PLEASE STOP!” Ian retweeted a fan’s response: “@iansomerhalder Denmark has nothing to do with it. It's the Faroe Island it's their government's rules. We are against it in Denmark!”
How can you help? Check out the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
6. Freedom for elephants
Upon learning about Anne, a British circus elephant that was being abused, Ian wasn’t shy about sharing his frustration. But a few days later, the animal lover was pleased to report that Anne was being moved to a sanctuary: “Anne-beautiful old elephant that has been being abused is free!http://tiny.cc/qs3beNICE!Going to live out her remaining days a free lady.”
How can you help? Anne is safe, but the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has some tips if you want to stop circus animal abuse.
Photo Credit: Lovely Sucks
Photo: Ian Somerhalder is ready for any winter snowstorm with those hot, icy-blue eyes!
5. Lennox the therapy dog
When a pup in Belfast, who belonged to a young girl with disabilities, was being persecuted for being a “pitbull-type terrier,” Ian tweeted about the injustice and urged his fans to sign a petition to save the dog from being put to sleep. Over 48,000 people signed in protest. Unfortunately,the court did not rule in Lennox’s favor, but his owner is appealing the decision.
How can you help? Click on the official Save Lennox page for more info.
4. Tony the tiger (not that one)
Ian’s not a fan of seeing animals caged, which is why he’s pretty passionate about seeing Tony the tiger, a 10-year-old big cat who spends his days as a gas station’s roadside attraction, released. He tweeted, “shame on you Louisiana Dept. Of Wildlife and fisheries for allowing a tiger to be caged exposed to such a horrific situation. SHAME ON YOU!”
How can you help? If you want to sign the petition to free Tony the tiger, addressed to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, that would be grrrreat!
When a pup in Belfast, who belonged to a young girl with disabilities, was being persecuted for being a “pitbull-type terrier,” Ian tweeted about the injustice and urged his fans to sign a petition to save the dog from being put to sleep. Over 48,000 people signed in protest. Unfortunately,the court did not rule in Lennox’s favor, but his owner is appealing the decision.
How can you help? Click on the official Save Lennox page for more info.
4. Tony the tiger (not that one)
Ian’s not a fan of seeing animals caged, which is why he’s pretty passionate about seeing Tony the tiger, a 10-year-old big cat who spends his days as a gas station’s roadside attraction, released. He tweeted, “shame on you Louisiana Dept. Of Wildlife and fisheries for allowing a tiger to be caged exposed to such a horrific situation. SHAME ON YOU!”
How can you help? If you want to sign the petition to free Tony the tiger, addressed to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, that would be grrrreat!
Photo Credit: Jerod Harris/Getty Images
3. Seal slaughter
There are few things cuter in this world than baby seals, so we share Ian’s outrage that the Canadian government still allows hundreds of thousands of seals to be killed for their fur each year. The European Union and the United States outlawed the practice; let’s hope Canada follows suit soon.
How can you help? CandasShame.com has a bunch of ways to get involved in the protest.(Heads up: Some of the pictures on the site might be upsetting.)
2. Save the sled dogs
Talk about power. In March, Ian read an article in the Vancouver Sun detailing the killing of 100 dogs by a Canadian sled dog company. A petition to reform British Columbia’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was set up, and a report from the task force investigating the incidentcited the recommendations made by the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (check out more info below). Although the task force and Premier Christy Clark want British Columbia to have Canada’s toughest animal cruelty laws, it’s up to the legislature to pass them.
How can you help? Sign the petition to help.
1. Habitat, energy, and animals
Since Ian is only one man, he created a charity, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, which has the lofty goals of empowering, educating, and collaborating with people to positively impact the planet and its creatures. Combating extinction, promoting local biofuels, and assisting no-kill animal shelters are just a few of the tasks on their impressive to-do list.
There are few things cuter in this world than baby seals, so we share Ian’s outrage that the Canadian government still allows hundreds of thousands of seals to be killed for their fur each year. The European Union and the United States outlawed the practice; let’s hope Canada follows suit soon.
How can you help? CandasShame.com has a bunch of ways to get involved in the protest.(Heads up: Some of the pictures on the site might be upsetting.)
2. Save the sled dogs
Talk about power. In March, Ian read an article in the Vancouver Sun detailing the killing of 100 dogs by a Canadian sled dog company. A petition to reform British Columbia’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was set up, and a report from the task force investigating the incidentcited the recommendations made by the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (check out more info below). Although the task force and Premier Christy Clark want British Columbia to have Canada’s toughest animal cruelty laws, it’s up to the legislature to pass them.
How can you help? Sign the petition to help.
1. Habitat, energy, and animals
Since Ian is only one man, he created a charity, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, which has the lofty goals of empowering, educating, and collaborating with people to positively impact the planet and its creatures. Combating extinction, promoting local biofuels, and assisting no-kill animal shelters are just a few of the tasks on their impressive to-do list.
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