Photo Credit: Annette Brown/The CW © 2011 The CW Network, LLC
Elena and Bonnie slip away from their dates for quick chat at the 60s Decade Dance.
Oh TVD, sometimes you can be so fickle. You’ll kill off a favorite, then bring ‘em back. You’ll get us all excited about a curse, and then drop a bomb like ‘Oh, that thing? That’s not real!’
But as somebody very smart once said, it’s often your quirks that people like best. And while sometimes we get annoyed that you kill off our beloved characters, and tease us about all kinds of fake storylines, we still love you.
That isn’t to say you don’t confuse us, though. Take, for example, that producer Julie Plec is calling the newly-renewed Season 3 “the season of the Originals.” Ominous, right? Sounds like Elijah and/or Klaus will still be around (darn it!). But what we really wanna know is what that means for the other characters near and dear to our hearts. Could Bonnie or Matt or Caroline find themselves six feet under?
Plec won’t spill numbers (or names), but she does say this: People. will. die. And lots of ‘em. “We set this ritual in motion early on, and it needs several sacrificial elements, so if it happens — and whereit happens, and when it happens, and if it goes off without a hitch — there will be a lot of loss of life,” she says.
Thankfully, we know of at least one character who just might make it through the mire. The oft-absent Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) was avail to chat about his character, who, when he returns, will supposedly be a little more subdued. “I don’t know where they’re going to go with Tyler in Season 3, but there have to be [more] changes,” he dishes. “Hopefully we can get into explaining what he was doing when he was gone, and who was he involved with.” Sounds like he’ll be around, but you never know with these guys.
Our only piece of advice? Brace yourselves — but don’t get too upset if your fave bites it. “We dohave ways of letting our audience see their fan favorites again…over time,” Plec teases.
Here we go again!
But as somebody very smart once said, it’s often your quirks that people like best. And while sometimes we get annoyed that you kill off our beloved characters, and tease us about all kinds of fake storylines, we still love you.
That isn’t to say you don’t confuse us, though. Take, for example, that producer Julie Plec is calling the newly-renewed Season 3 “the season of the Originals.” Ominous, right? Sounds like Elijah and/or Klaus will still be around (darn it!). But what we really wanna know is what that means for the other characters near and dear to our hearts. Could Bonnie or Matt or Caroline find themselves six feet under?
Plec won’t spill numbers (or names), but she does say this: People. will. die. And lots of ‘em. “We set this ritual in motion early on, and it needs several sacrificial elements, so if it happens — and whereit happens, and when it happens, and if it goes off without a hitch — there will be a lot of loss of life,” she says.
Thankfully, we know of at least one character who just might make it through the mire. The oft-absent Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) was avail to chat about his character, who, when he returns, will supposedly be a little more subdued. “I don’t know where they’re going to go with Tyler in Season 3, but there have to be [more] changes,” he dishes. “Hopefully we can get into explaining what he was doing when he was gone, and who was he involved with.” Sounds like he’ll be around, but you never know with these guys.
Our only piece of advice? Brace yourselves — but don’t get too upset if your fave bites it. “We dohave ways of letting our audience see their fan favorites again…over time,” Plec teases.
Here we go again!
Sneak Peek Photos: Damon Loses His Cool in The Vampire Diaries Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"
Air Date: May 12, 2011
A screening of Gone With the Wind in the Mystic Falls town square goes awry as Damonfinds his memories of Katherine affecting his interactions with Elena. Meanwhile, Stefan tries to stop a tragedy and instead faces personal consequences. Sheriff Forbes’ attempt to protect everyone costs a life.
A screening of Gone With the Wind in the Mystic Falls town square goes awry as Damonfinds his memories of Katherine affecting his interactions with Elena. Meanwhile, Stefan tries to stop a tragedy and instead faces personal consequences. Sheriff Forbes’ attempt to protect everyone costs a life.

Stefan Surveys the Scene in Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"
Stefan keeps his composure before things begin to go downhill.

Stefan Takes Elena's Hand in Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"

Stefan and Elena Hold Each Other in Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"

Stefan and Elena Get Romantic in Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"

Jeremy, Caroline, and Elena Picnic in Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"

Jeremy Stays Serious in Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"
Jeremy doesn’t look too thrilled about the screening of Gone With the Wind. An impending sacrifice is such a buzzkill.

Elena Helps Damon in Season 2, Episode 22: "As I Lay Dying"
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